The Drive Mastermind
Your vehicle to powerful results
"If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together."
~ African proverb
Drive Mastermind bridges the gap from where you are now
to where you want to go....buckle up! Let's Drive!!
*** Turn the sound ON for the video!!! ***
The Drive Mastermind is a 90-day, dynamic goal-achieving workshop built on the foundation of accountability, coaching, community; designed to move the needle in your business, your relationships, your life.

Utilize the resources of a personal success coach
Capitalize on a true mastermind group with the genius of hundreds of years of life experience
Leverage high-level success tools from the neuroscience realm
Achieve both a major and a minor goal
Mastermind, in the traditional Napoleon Hill sense, is a powerful group of people who come together to mentor each other, solve problems, and share ideas, working together to achieve goals, share resources, and form close connections.
If you are not where you want to be in life, you either have a baggage problem or an action problem. Either way, this program is the high-octane fuel in your high-performance vehicle to your destination!
Course Overview
Check Engine - homework prior to start
Shift Gears - Freedom Day - mindset realignment (in person, Denver)
Drive - take action, mastermind, get support
Checkered Flag - Success Celebration (in person, Denver)
scroll further down to see a detailed explanation of course components
Early Bird Pricing through February 28 $2,997
Promo code: DriveEarly
Tuition: $3,497 per person* (all inclusive)
NOTE about Tuition - If you are unfamiliar with just how great a deal this program is for this price, we invite you to consider the actual VALUE! And the price WILL go up after we complete the first workshop and have rocking testimonials!!
$ 5,000 Mental and Emotional Release process
$ 3,000 Exclusive Mastermind Group
$ 6,000 Private Coaching ($2k/mo average)
$14,000 in incredible VALUE!!!
YOU SAVE $10,503!!!
* What do I mean by "all inclusive"? Great question. This is a "if you know, you know" answer. No BTCs, no enrollment into Ascent Seminars, no hidden costs or fees, no "plan a fundraiser" or "host a presentation." The only enrollment is YOU, into your life, your goals, your dreams.
Payment plan or financing available through a private funding company.
Abracadabra, in ancient Aramaic, quite literally means
“As I speak, I create.”
Course Components
This course begins at registration!! Please take the homework seriously because it is a critical step to set you up for a win in Freedom Day and the course itself. Video content and worksheets will be emailed to you on March 1 or upon registration.
Freedom Day (in person, Denver)
SUNDAY MARCH 30, 2025 9 AM TO 7 PM
Freedom Day is truly a marvel! You'll come in with your goals in hand as well as limiting beliefs that have gotten in your way in getting those goals (thanks, Homework!). During Freedom Day, we will use cutting-edge neuroscience techniques (Mental and Emotional Release) to get rid of the baggage and the limiting beliefs so that you are FREE to fly! We'll drill down on your goal statement and support you with some personalized positive I AM affirmations as well as a visual representation of your goal. You'll meet the other masters of their destiny in the workshop and form cohorts for support. This is a "look, see, move" program!!!
Weekly Coach Calls (virtual):
You'll choose which coach call track works best for you. Either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday. These twice-weekly, 15-minute coach calls are highly formatted to keep you on track, out of your "story" and moving!! You'll work with your coach during Freedom Day to pick a time that you can work into your daily life.
Weekly Mastermind (virtual):
A true mastermind in the Napoleon Hill sense! The mastermind call is a 90 minute Zoom, structured for massive efficiency and content. No fluff, no BS. Each meeting will allow laser coaching for those presenting an issue for the "challenge seat". Imagine what is possible with hundreds of years of life experience unwinding problems and obstacles!!
To best support your daily life, there are 2 Mastermind tracks available.
Tuesdays from 6 pm to 7:30pm *or* Wednesdays from noon to 1:30 pm
Weekly Education (virtual):
Each week during the program, there will be education content in video format - some lecture, some exercise - for you to grow along your path. Tools to assist you in staying focused on your goals and overcome pesky obstacles along the path.
Success Celebration (in-person Denver)
SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2025 9 AM TO 9 PM
Yes!!! Celebrate that success!!! The best feeling in the world is achieving our goals and we'll come together in-person for the wrap up event we call Success Celebration. This is a highly connected, special occasion devoted to honoring you and your dreams.
Meet Your Trainers

Terri Anderson Wilber, CHt
Terri Anderson Wilber is a certified trainer and master practitioner of neurolinguistic programing (NLP) as well as a master practitioner of Mental and Emotional Release®. In other words, she specializes in the way you THINK.
Terri is CEO and lead trainer for Ascent Training & Consulting, a professional and personal development company offering online courses (Ascent Training Online), in-person trainings, retreats and workshops, coaching and consulting. Her niche is in helping small business entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants leverage their skills and influence to be at the highest level of service to their clients, thereby increasing their own livelihoods.
Ascent Training & Consulting’s mission is elevating minds, beyond limits, transforming futures.
Terri’s most recent professional accomplishment is having Ascent Training & Consulting be nominated for Business of the Year 2024 by the Applewood Business Association.
Her most recent personal accomplishment is related to her health. After releasing 65+ pounds (and still going!), Terri has reversed Type 2 diabetes and is off all medications. Although she does complain about needing a belt!
Terri’s evidence that she might know a thing or two about communication is that she and her high school sweetheart, Ray, have been together over 3 decades and as she is fond of saying, no one has ended up dead or in jail….. yet!

Sean Marshall, CHt
Purpose is often viewed as a ‘big commitment’. Purpose is more about being connected to a direction in life that is congruent at a soul level. We may at times feel like we drift from this aim. This drifting is an important part of being on the path. From time to time, we must look up (from our phones, computers, life) and connect again with what we are intuitively driven towards.
Fundamentally I believe we know who we are, and we know when we are connected to this life force within. In today’s world of social media and mass communication, many have simply lost connection to their purpose, or may have never been exposed to an environment that encouraged this light to shine and connect.
It’s time to shine…
As a certified INC Coach (Integrative NLP coach), I work with both Neuro Science and the esoteric paths to discovering what is true clients. Or to put it more simply, I work with both the left side of the brain, our conscious mind, as well as the right side of the brain, our unconscious mind. Grounded in the science of Nero Linguistic Programming and Jungian psychology, I combine these coaching foundations with both Huna (Hawaiian approach to empowerment), as well as Astrology (the 2000-year-old road map to one’s potential).
Clients I have worked with have a track record of results that lead to a more fulfilled expression in career, relationships and overall health – living their passion!
Speaker / Presenter | Master Trainer – Neuro Linguistic Programing | Master Practitioner NLP | Integrative NLP Coach | 20 Years in Real Estate Appraising / Mentoring | 25 years owning rental property
Other Interest:
Travel | Outdoors | Wife and two adult children | Golf | Learning and Personal Growth
PRE-REQUISITE to join this dynamic Drive Mastermind
For maximum effectiveness for yourself and the group, some sort of personal responsibility training is REQUIRED for Drive Mastermind. This can have been from a seminar company, a workshop provided through an employer. If you know the terms "victim/responsible" or "cause>effect" relating to how you experience the world, you're good.
If you have no idea what those concepts are, no problem! We have an online program you can quickly complete to bring you up to speed prior to diving into the Drive Mastermind. This course is purchased separately and **MUST** be completed prior to Freedom Day.
Click here to be directed to the personal responsibility mini-course.